Search results for: author = '
Jolanta Poteralska' and title = '
[1] |
Ewa Majchrzak, Jolanta Poteralska, Two-temperature microscale heat transfer model. Part I: Determination of electrons parameters, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9(1), 2010, pages 99-108.
[2] |
Ewa Majchrzak, Jolanta Poteralska, Two-temperature microscale heat transfer model. Part II: Determination of lattice parameters, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9(1), 2010, pages 109-119.
[3] |
Ewa Majchrzak, Bohdan Mochnacki, Jolanta Poteralska, 'One-shot' identification of laser intensity in a process of thin metal film heating, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8(1), 2009, pages 131-136.
[4] |
Ewa Majchrzak, Grażyna Kałuża, Jolanta Poteralska, Application of the DRBEM for numerical solution of Cattaneo-Vernotte bioheat transfer equation, Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 7(1), 2008, pages 111-120.