1 |
Application of second order inhomogeneous linear recurrences to solving a tridiagonal system
Jolanta Borowska, Lena Łacińska |
pages 5-10
2 |
Implicit solution of 1D nonlinear porous medium equation using the four-point Newton-EGMSOR iterative method
J.V.L. Chew, J. Sulaiman |
pages 11-21
3 |
O-species and tensor algebras
Nadiya Gubareni |
pages 23-30
4 |
Elastic analysis of polymeric cylinders reinforced with carbon nanotubes
Hadi Hosseini, Reza Kolahchi, Mohammad Mehdi Heydari |
pages 31-39
5 |
Trefftz method for an inverse geometry problem in steady-state heat conduction
Leszek Hożejowski |
pages 41-52
6 |
Solving a system of nonlinear equations with the use of optimization methods in problems related to the wheel-rail contact
Mariola Jureczko, Sławomir Duda |
pages 53-64
7 |
A second example of non-Keller mapping
Sylwia Lara-Dziembek, Grzegorz Biernat, Edyta Pawlak, Magdalena Woźniakowska |
pages 65-70
8 |
Pseudogroups of transformations on discrete topological spaces
Jolanta Lipińska |
pages 71-75
9 |
Numerical analysis of thermal processes in the system protective clothing - biological tissue subjected to an external heat flux
Bohdan Mochnacki, Mateusz Duda |
pages 85-93
10 |
Diffusion approximation of the network with limited number of same type customers and time dependent service parameters
Mikhail Matalytski, Dmitry Kopats |
pages 77-84
11 |
Analysis of the wheel and rail frictionless normal contact considering material parameters
Yalçın Özdemir, Petr Voltr |
pages 95-103
12 |
Between syntax and semantics of resource oriented logic for IDS behavior description
Ján Perháč, Daniel Mihályi, Valerie Novitzká |
pages 105-118
13 |
Using probabilistic automata for security protocols verification
Olga Siedlecka-Lamch, Mirosław Kurkowski, Jacek Piątkowski |
pages 119-125
14 |
The Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem - a numerical solution using the Control Volume Method
Jarosław Siedlecki, Mariusz Ciesielski, Tomasz Błaszczyk |
pages 127-136
15 |
Comparison of global methods for the image contrast enhancement based on biometric images
Dorota Smorawa, Mariusz Kubanek |
pages 137-146
16 |
Transverse and longitudinal damped vibration of the GAMMA type frame
Wojciech Sochacki, Marta Bold |
pages 147-155
17 |
Numerical studies on stability of slender supporting structures
Krzysztof Sokół, Sebastian Uzny |
pages 157-165