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Contents of Volume 17, Issue 1, Year 2018
1 |
The limit properties diffusion process in a semi-Markov environment
Yaroslav Chabanyuk, Wojciech Rosa |
pages 5-14
2 |
Spectral-homotopy analysis of MHD non-orthogonal stagnation point flow of a nanofluid
Sarkhosh S. Chaharborj, Abbas Moameni |
pages 15-28
3 |
Note on traces of matrix products involving inverses of positive definite ones
Andrzej Z. Grzybowski |
pages 29-36
4 |
Recurrence relations for two-channel closed queueing systems with Erlangian service times
Bohdan Kopytko, Kostiantyn Zhernovyi |
pages 37-48
5 |
Finding the expected revenues in Markov networks with positive and negative customers at a stationary regime
Mikhail Matalytski, Dmitry Kopats |
pages 49-60
6 |
Multi-layer neural networks for sales forecasting
Magdalena Scherer |
pages 61-68
7 |
Control of the mobile robot using controllers of types P, PI, PID
Dorian Skrobek, Dawid Cekus, Tomasz Zając |
pages 69-78
8 |
The influence of computational domain discretization on CFD results concerning aerodynamics of a vehicle
Marcin Sosnowski |
pages 79-88
9 |
Analysis of thermal cycles and phase transformations during multi-pass arc weld surfacing of steel casts taking into account heat of the weld
Jerzy Winczek, Marek Gucwa, Krzysztof Makles |
pages 89-100